Parish Church of England Primary School

Year 4

The Year 4 Team

Amethyst Class

Miss Smith (Class Teacher)

Coral Class

Mrs Hartnett (Class Teacher)

Onyx Class

Mrs Bello (Class Teacher)

Mrs Genovese (Class Teacher)

All Classes

Mrs Gorman (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Page (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Power (Teaching Assistant)


Throughout Year 4, we cover a range of exciting topics in History, Geography and Science.  We learn all about volcanoes and earthquakes by taking a journey deep underground. We travel to The Tropics in our learning about Rainforests to find out about the diverse range plants and animals which depend on this threatened habitat. In Science we learn about States of Matter, Sound and Electricity and we plan experiments to discover more!  In History, we are lucky enough to enter the tomb of Tutankhamun and discover the secrets behind what was found there almost 100 years ago. 

Through our English lessons we get to know The Iron Man, Varjak Paw, Cinnamon and Gulliver and the stories they tell. The Outlaw PawThe Firework Maker’s Daughter and The Polar Bear Explorers’ Club are some of the books we have heard recently. 

In Year 4, we all have responsibilities and we work together as a class or a table to help each other to do our best. We can be Role Models and Super Stars and we can aim to be Table of the Week with the reward of a special chair-cushion to use for the whole week. We work hard, listen carefully and rise to a challenge - even if we find things tricky! Most of all, we enjoy our time in Year 4.

To contact the Y4 teachers, please email

Curriculum Information

Autumn 1 24

Autumn 2 24

Spring 1 25

Spring 2 25

Summer 1 24Summer 2 24


Y4 Timetable

Home Learning

Autumn 24

Spring 25

Summer 24