Community Hub
Dates of guest speakers (and other events)
We aim to serve our community through our Community Hub outreach programme.
After COVID and lockdown it became increasingly apparent that many people linked to our school community still needed support.
As a school rooted in Christian values, a vision to see all flourish and a belief that we should do good works (Eph 2 v 10) the idea of the community hub began. We had always provided pre loved uniform and pastoral support to those who needed it, but we wanted to take this further. We secured a grant from Clarion Housing and this enabled us to erect a larger pre loved uniform shed, set up a food bank and a coffee shop and provided targeted support both in an informal and formal way.
Our Community Hub is located on the Service Road of The Mansion building, just before the black gates.
Foodbank (full of day-to-day items needed for our families)
Available for parents to use at any time during the school day, via the school office.
Uniform Store (pre loved uniform still in excellent condition)
Usually open on a Monday afternoon around collection time (3.20pm), run by FOPs.
Parish CoffEe (informal coffee shop)
Opens on a Wednesday morning at 08:40am until around 10am for social gathering, parent group meetings, guest speaker talks and more!
Be sure also to visit for a sit-down cuppa, take-away coffee or before/after your child's Family Worship.
Book Swap Shop (donate a book and take one away with you)
Usually open on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at around collection time (3.20pm).
If you have any questions, or are able to offer help with anything related to our Community Hub, then please contact Mrs Bruneau or Mr Powell via the school office. We look forward to welcoming you.
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