Pupil Voice
At Parish we believe that pupils should play an active, constructive and appropriate role in their own learning, the learning of their peers and the development of their school communities. Teachers have always sought to ensure that pupils are able to articulate their views and participate effectively in their learning and in the wider life of their school communities.
Pupil voice is about pupils having the opportunity to have a say in decisions in school that affect them. This may be done through questionnaires, pupil interviews and our various pupil voice groups.
Digital Leaders
- Our Digital Leaders meet with Mrs Genovese (Computing Subject Lead) and provide input regarding E-Safety and the Computing Curriculum.
EDI Ambassadors
- Meeting with Ms Koci (EDI Champion), our EDI Ambassadors work to promote all aspects of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
ECO Ambassadors
- Our Eco Ambassadors meet with Ms Veninga to discuss ways to improve the school environment and to make positive environmental change and impact for our planet.
P4C Ambassadors
- Meeting with Miss Beresford (P4C Champion), our P4C Ambassadors debate and discuss topical issues which affect them, the school and the wider community.
RE Ambassadors
- Our RE Ambassadors meet with Mrs Doyle (RE Subject Lead) to provide ideas and feedback on RE lessons.
School Council
- Our school council is made up of our class captains, one from every class from Reception to Year 6. They meet on a regular basis with Mrs Pickering, who oversees their meetings and discuss topics related to the school improvement plan and key priorities. They also champion are international links with our work through the British Council.
Worship Ambassadors
- Our Worship Ambassadors take an active role in events such as Harvest, Christmas and our School Thanksgiving Service. They meet with Mrs Coleman (Head Teacher) to support daily worship at Parish.