Parish Church of England Primary School

Year 2

The Year 2 Team

Emerald Class 

Mrs Aslett (Class Teacher)

Mrs Waller (Class Teacher)

Jade Class

Mr Murphy (Class Teacher)

Topaz  Class

Mrs Bhatia (Class Teacher)

All Classes

Mrs Bennett (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Lagden (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Lingham (Teaching Assistant)

Miss O'Callaghan (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Sharrock (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Snee (Teaching Assistant)

In Year 2, we learn new things every day and try our very best in all that we do. We have a positive attitude towards our learning and enjoy celebrating our successes as a class.

In English, we will be exploring various stories; as well as poetry and non-fiction texts. As a class, we will be working hard to present our work beautifully in all of our subjects. In History, we will learn all about The Great Fire of London and we will be working scientifically to discover new things in our exciting Science topics. During our engaging Maths lessons, we will develop a love for working with numbers! We will engage in problem-solving activities and work hard to develop our reasoning skills. 

Throughout the year we will be developing our independence in preparation for Key Stage 2, as well as helping others whilst learning as part of a team.

To contact the Y2 teachers, please email

Curriculum Information

Autumn 1 24

Autumn 2 24

Spring 1 25

Spring 2 25

Summer 1 24Summer 2 24


Y2 Timetable

Home Learning

Autumn 24

Spring 25

Summer 24