How We Spend Our Grants
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is a grant allocated by the government to support the learning of particular children whose circumstances may cause them to be disadvantaged in comparison to their peers.
At Parish Primary School we follow the conditions of the grant as set out by Secretary of State for Education (March 31 2017) which can be found here.
As passionate believers in equal opportunities, it is our aim that the money we are allocated is used to specifically raise the attainment, improve the well-being, and offer the same life chances to any child whose circumstances qualify them for the grant.
Our Pupil Premium Policy gives more information about how we do this which can be found here.
Every year we review how the money has been spent and the impact it has had.
Please see the statements below which are reviewed annually in April.
You can complete a confidential questionnaire to find out if you're eligible for Pupil Premium on the Schoolgateway.
PE Grant & Sports Premium
What is the Sports Premium?
The Government since 2013 has dedicated funding to develop sports in schools. This funding to schools is ‘ring fenced’ which means it can only be used to improve the provision of PE and sport as well as enhancing healthy lifestyles in either curricular or extra-curricular settings. How schools decide to undertake this task remains the decision of the primary schools themselves.
Parish CE Primary School is complying with the guidance and issues an Impact Spreadsheet which shows how the funding is being used to impact upon the development of Sport and PE. This will further your child’s enjoyment, acquisition of skills, understanding and general development in sport and PE.
It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the following 5 Key indicators:
1.) The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
2.) The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school.
3.) Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and Sport.
4.) Broader experience of a range of sports and activities.
5.) Increased participation in competitive sports
COVID Catch-Up and Recovery Premium
How is it intended that the grant will be spent?
The grant will predominantly be spent targeting those from most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds to enhance both academic ability and well-being. High quality one to one sessions will be provided by Teachers and Teaching Assistants outside of usual working hours as a catch-up strategy. To allow the interventions to be most effective they will be guided by the child’s class teacher, linked to the curriculum and focused on the areas where pupils would most benefit from additional practice or feedback. The interventions are consistently reviewed and adjusted as necessary. Reading schemes are currently being researched to compliment general interventions across the school.
How the effect of this expenditure on attainment of pupils will be assessed
Baseline assessments have been carried out to inform gaps for further specific development. Both class teachers and pupils involved have completed a qualitative data survey. Similar assessments and surveys will be undertaken again in February to show progression in target areas. Target tracker statements will be a clear indicator as to how the children have progressed.